Remember, all assignments are due at 11:59 PM (Philadelphia time) on the Sunday of each instructional week.
In this lab, you will use Python to analyze data from a hypothetical HIV treatment trial and explore the effects of the treatment on different types of participants. Specifically, you will look at the infection status of participants at the start of the treatment and the length of their infection. These considerations have clinical implications for the application of the treatment. Through this activity, you will practice using Python methods to append a column to an existing table, load spreadsheet data into Python using the Table object, create derived columns in tables, and use Python summary methods like sum, mean, and max.
Learning Objectives#
At the end of this learning activity you will be able to:
Use Python methods to append a column into an existing table.
Practice loading spreadsheet data into Python using the
object.Use Python methods to create derived columns in Tables
Use Python summary methods like sum, mean, and max
Dataset Reference#
File: trail_data.csv
: (years) Current age during the study.age_initial_infection
: (years) Age at which the participant was initially infected.initial_viral_load
: (copies/ul) The level of infection at the start of the study.treatment
: (boolean)True
for participants in the treatment group,False
for those in the control group.weeks_to_failure
: (weeks) Time from the treatment to the first week of uncontrolled viral load.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Q1: Load in the data from the CSV file.#
Hint: Remember to use the read_csv
function of the pandas
Points |
2 |
Public Checks |
2 |
Hidden Tests |
0 |
Points: 2
trial_df = ...
Q2: Calculate the length of for each row.#
Create a derived column in trial_df
with the column name infection_time
that indicates the length of the the infection.
Hint: You can extract two columns and subtract them. And you can do this in one line or many.
Points: 3
trial_df['infection_time'] = ...
To understand the effectiveness of the HIV treatment being evaluated in this experiment, focus the analysis on the individuals in the treated group. By examining this group specifically, you can better understand how factors such as age and initial viral load may impact the effectiveness of the treatment.
Q3: Create a new DataFrame
that includes only the treated individuals.#
Create a new table that includes only the treated individuals, you can use the query
method to filter the original table by the value of the treatment
Points |
3 |
Public Checks |
3 |
Hidden Tests |
0 |
Points: 3
treated_df = ...
Q6: Calculate the same descriptive statistics on the weeks_to_failure
column to compare the treated participants with short and long infection lengths.#
In this final question, we will investigate whether the length of time a participant has been infected with HIV impacts the effectiveness of the treatment. Specifically, we will compare the weeks to failure for treated participants with short and long infection lengths. For this analysis, we will consider participants with less than 10 years of infection to have a short infection length, and those with 10 years or more to have a long infection length. It is important to note that these arbitrary cut-offs were chosen for the purpose of this analysis and may not necessarily reflect the clinical definitions of short and long infection lengths.
To answer this question, we will need to calculate the descriptive statistics on the weeks_to_failure
column for treated participants with short and long infection lengths.
Remember, it is helpful to break down the problem into smaller steps and create intermediate cells to better understand and debug the analysis.
Points |
8 |
Public Checks |
5 |
Hidden Tests |
4 |
Points: 8
# average weeks_to_failure for short infection lengths
short_mean = ...
# minimum weeks_to_failure for the short infection lengths
short_min = ...
# for long infection lengths
long_mean = ...
long_min = ...
print('The participants with short infections had an average time to failure ',
f'of {short_mean:0.1f} ',
f'with a minimum {short_min:0.1f} weeks')
print('The participants with long infections had an average time to failure ',
f'of {long_mean:0.1f} ',
f'with a minimum {long_min:0.1f} weeks')
To reflect on the results from the lab, we can consider the fact that participants with longer infections have a ~1/2 week shorter time to treatment failure compared to those with shorter infections. This difference might seem small in reference to the average value across untreated participants in the study, as well as in comparison to the difference between high and low initial infections. However, it is important to consider whether this difference is large or small in a clinical context. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the clinical significance of any observed differences in the results of a study.
Edit the next cell (as a Markdown cell) and put this 1/2 week difference into context. Consider the following things:
Is it large or small in reference to the average value across untreated participants in the study?
Is it large or small in reference to the difference between high & low initial infections?
Is it large or small in a clinical context?
Total Points |
5 |
Manual |
5 |
Points: 5
Write answer here.
That all tables and graphs are rendered properly.
Code completes without errors by using
Restart & Run All
.All checks pass.
Excess code cells and print statments have been removed to create a clean submission.
Remember, as this is a lab, there are hidden tests that you will be evaluated against. Just because all checks pass does not mean everything is correct. Double-check your work!
Then save the notebook and the File
-> Download
-> Download .ipynb
. Upload this file to BBLearn.