Welcome Spring 2025 Students!


Learning Objectives#

At the end of this learning activity you will be able to:

  • Practice creating statistical figures to answer biological questions.

  • Practice writing figure legends for statistical figures.

  • Practice writing descriptive reasonings about a figure.

Note: It is difficult to automatically grade figures as they are many “correct” answers. So, most questions will accept any figure or axis and then ask you to answer a question that should be obvious from a properly generated figure. For all questions, assume a 95% interval.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
data = pd.read_csv('cytokine_data.csv')

Explore the effect of cocaine use on mcp1#

Q1: Do cocaine users have a higher level of expression of mcp1?#

# Generate a plot which displays the spread of mcp1 measurements across cocaine use

q1_plot = ...
# Answer 'users' or 'non-users', 'same'
q1_higher_level = ...

Q2: Do cocaine users or non-users have a higher average level of mcp1?#

# Generate a plot which displays the confidence of the mean of mcp1 expression across cocaine use

q2_plot = ...
# Answer 'users' or 'non-users', 'same'
q2_higher_mean = ...

Q3: Does Sex impact the effect of cocaine use on the average level of mcp1 expression?#

# Generate a plot which displays the confidence of the mean of mcp1 expression across cocaine use

q3_plot = ...
# Is it 'likely' or 'unlikely' that gender has an impact on the effect of cocaine use on mcp1?
q3_gender_impact = ...

Q4: Is there a correlation between infection length and mcp1 expression?#

q4_plot = ...
# Is there a correlation between infection length and mcp1 expression? 'yes' or 'no'
q4_infection_length_corr = ...

Q5: Does cocaine use impact the correlation between infection length and mcp1 expression?#

# Generate a plot which displays the confidence of the mean of mcp1 expression across cocaine use

q5_plot = ...
# Does cocaine use impact the rate of mcp1 increase with infection length? 'yes' or 'no'
q5_infection_length_cocaine_slope = ...



  • That all tables and graphs are rendered properly.

  • Code completes without errors by using Restart & Run All.

  • All checks pass.

Then save the notebook and the File -> Download -> Download .ipynb. Upload this file to BBLearn.