Welcome Spring 2025 Students!


Learning Objectives#

At the end of this learning activity you will be able to:

  • Estimate the effect size given a set of confidence intervals.

  • Calculate the effect_size, alpha, power, and sample_size when given 3 of the 4.

  • Interpret a power-plot of multiple experimental choices.

  • Calculate how changes in estimates of the experimental error impact sample size requirements.

  • Rigorously choose the appropriate experimental design for the best chance of success.

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pingouin as pg

Step 1: Define the hypothesis#

For this lab we are going to investigate a similar metric. We will imagine replicating the analysis considered in Figure 3C. This analysis considers the different sub-values of the vigalence index. It shows that SK609 is improving attention by reducing the number of misses.

Copying the relevant part of the caption:

“Paired t-tests revealed that SK609 (4mg/kg; i.p.) specifically affected the selection of incorrect answers, significantly reducing the average number of executed misses compared to vehicle conditions (t(6))=3.27, p=0.017; 95% CI[1.02, 7.11]).”

Since this is a paired t-test we’ll use the same strategy as the walkthrough.

Step 2: Define success#

Q1: What is the average difference in misses between vehicle control and SK609 rodents?#

Hint: Calculate the center (average) of the confidence interval; the CI is bolded in the caption above.

Total Points


Included Checks


Points: 5

q1_change = ...

print(f'On average, during an SK609 trial the rodent missed {q1_change} fewer prompts than vehicle controls.')

Q2: Calculate the effect size.#

Hint: Use the change just defined in Q1.

Assume from our domain knowledge and inspection of the figure that there is an error of 3.5 misses.

Total Points


Included Checks


Points: 5

error = 3.5

q2_effect_size = ...

print(f'The normalized effect_size of SK609 is {q2_effect_size:0.3f}')

Step 3: Define your tolerance for risk#

For this assignment consider that we want to have 80% chance of detecting a true effect and a 1% chance of falsely accepting an effect.

Total Points


Included Checks


Points: 5

power = ...
alpha = ...

Step 4: Define a budget#

In the figure caption we see that the paper used a nobs of 16 mice:

“Difference in VI measurements calculated against previous day vehicle performance in rats (n=16) showed SK609 improved sustained attention performance …”

Step 5: Calculate#

Q4: Calculate the minimum change detectable with 16 animals.#

Use alternative='two-sided' as we do not know whether the number of misses is always increasing.

Hint: Use the power-calculator, and then use that effect size to calculate the min_change.

Total Points


Included Checks


Points: 5

q4_effect_size = ...

print('The effect size is:', q4_effect_size)
# What is the minimum change that we can detect at this power?

q4_min_change = ...

print(f'with 16 animals, one could have detected as few as {q4_min_change:0.2f} min change.')

Step 6: Summarize#

Let’s propose a handful of different considerations for our experiment. As before, we’ll keep the power and alpha the same, but we’ll add the following experimental changes:

  • A grant reviewer has commented on the proposal and believes that your estimate of the error is too optimistic. They would like you to consider a scenario in which your error is 50% larger than the current estimate.

  • A new post-doc has come from another lab that has a different attention assay. Their studies show that it has 25% less error than the current one.

Consider these two experimental changes and how they effect sample size choices.

Q5: Calculate new effect sizes for these conditions.#

Hint: Refer to the bolded experimental changes above and adjust the errors then the effect sizes, keeping in mind the q1_change variable.

This can be done in two steps if needed.

Points: 5

q5_high_noise_effect_size = ...
q5_new_assay_effect_size = ...

print(f'Expected effect_size {q2_effect_size:0.2f}')
print(f'High noise effect_size {q5_high_noise_effect_size:0.2f}')
print(f'New assay effect_size {q5_new_assay_effect_size:0.2f}')

Use the power-plot below to answer the next question.

# Check many different nobs sizes
nobs_sizes = np.arange(1, 31)

names = ['Expected', 'High-Noise', 'New-Assay']
colors = 'krb'
effect_sizes = [q2_effect_size, q5_high_noise_effect_size, q5_new_assay_effect_size]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

# Loop through each observation size
for name, color, effect in zip(names, colors, effect_sizes):
    # Calculate the power across the range
    powers = pg.power_ttest(d = effect,
                            n = nobs_sizes,
                            power = None,
                            alpha = alpha,
                            contrast = 'paired')

    ax.plot(nobs_sizes, powers, label = name, color = color)

ax.legend(loc = 'lower right')

ax.set_xlabel('Sample Size')

Q6 Summary Questions#

Hint: Remember, the power level is 80%, so examine the nobs at 0.8 at the specified effect size to determine sufficient power or question being asked.

# Would an experiment that had nobs=15 be sufficiently powered
# to detect an effect under the expected assumption?
# 'yes' or 'no'
q6a = ...

# Would an experiment that had nobs=15 be sufficiently powered
# to detect an effect under the high-noise assumption?
# 'yes' or 'no'
q6b = ...

# How many fewer animals could be used if the new experiment was implemented
# vs. the expected/current one (using 80% power)?
# Hint: Use the power calculator. Round up.

q6c = ...




  • That all tables and graphs are rendered properly.

  • Code completes without errors by using Restart & Run All.

  • All checks pass.

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